Tough fishing. Caught a bull shark off Captiva and some trout, a mackerel, ladyfish off Sanibel.
Interesting sighting was the “Shark Men” boat from the National Geographic Channel.
They usually are in the Pacific catching and researching great white sharks, but they are in Boca Grande studying the great hammerheads that congregate there. I guess they must be filming for a future episode on hammerheads.
Great hammerheads and big bull sharks come into Boca Grande Pass to feed on the tarpon in May and June.
Several years ago, a 13 foot, 1,000 pound hammerhead was caught in Boca Grande Pass. Sadly, it was a pregnant female. This is why I am a big supporter of catch and release for sharks.
Fair winds and following seas,
Captain Joey Burnsed ~ call 239-472-8658 or email captjoefred@gmail to book a charter.