Friday, February 10, 2012 ~ Sanibel & Captiva fishing charters … dolphins, great blue herons and other companions

Charlie, the great blue heron

Been thinking about dolphins lately which made me want to repost this piece from last April on dolphins and Charlie, the great blue heron …

Dolphins are almost always our companions at some point in our fishing charters.  I would say we see them on 80%+ of our trips, maybe 90%+.  New folks on the boat are always surprised and delighted by how close the dolphins come to the boat and how the dolphins seem to take great joy in playing in the wake of the boat.

Both dolphins and humans fish the bay and the gulf around Sanibel and Captiva for the same reason – there are a lot of fish in these waters and it is generally a very healthy ecosystem.  An adult Atlantic bottle-nose dolphin eats about 40 pounds of fish a day, so they are constantly feeding.  The dolphins in our area are a little bit smaller, about 8-10 feet at maturity, than the bootle-nose dolphins found more broadly in the Atlantic.

While we sometimes have to literally run away from dolphins because they are so nosy, meddlesome and busy trying to steal our fish, I am a big fan of the dolphins and we’re lucky to have them.

Charlie, the great blue heron, was another companion that spent years with me before Hank took over his first mate position on the boat.  Charlie’s territory was the flats and inlets right around Castaways on Santiva.

I would see Charlie every morning when I left at first light and he would spend the day guarding his territory against any encroachment from other great blue herons and fishing on the mud bars and and mangroves.  When I returned at noon from the first trip or at the end of the day, Charlie would fly to my boat and perch himself on the bow as my guide as we came in to the dock.  His purpose was to wait, hope that I would become distracted, and steal  scraps (or the filets) as I cleaned the day’s catch.

I also had to watch Charlie like a hawk, because he was devious and had a tendency to raid the live well, if I left it untended!

The fishing was great this week !   Let’s go fishing!

Fair winds and following seas,

Captain Joey Burnsed ~ call 239-472-8658 or email captjoefred@gmail to book a Sanibel & Captiva fishing charter.


Thursday, February 9, 2012 ~ come see our Sanibel & Captiva Island dolphins and we’ll also catch some fish!

Sanibel & Captiva Dolphin

Here is a better photo of one of Hank’s dolphin buddies.

It gives you a good feel of how the dolphins play in the boat’s wake and generally tease Hank.

Dolphins always seem focused on food and fun – something to admire in them.  Oh, during mating season, I guess they focus on a third activity. 🙂

Fishing is still very good!   Let’s go fishing!

Fair winds and following seas,

Captain Joey Burnsed ~ call 239-472-8658 or email captjoefred@gmail to book a Sanibel & Captiva fishing charter.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012 ~ Hank, my yellow lab, bonding with Dolphins off Captiva Island – the fishing was also excellent

Hank & Dolphins, Captiva, February 2012

Hank spent some time bonding with a dolphin pod on yesterday’s charter off South Seas Plantation at Redfish Pass, Captiva.

Hank used to jump right in to try to swim with them, but he has learned over time that they are just a little bit better swimmers than him.  So now he does a lot of looking and longing.

Occasionally, dolphin and dog get almost nose to nose in fellow mammalian inquisitiveness and brotherhood.  I’ll try to get a better photo of this.

Oh, the fishing was also great yesterday!

Fishing has been particularly productive around Captiva. We’re using shrimp for sheepshead, redfish, grouper, sea trout & lady fish and the rods are staying bent.

The warm winter is really helping the activity and fishing.

Fair winds and following seas,

Captain Joey Burnsed ~ call 239-472-8658 or email captjoefred@gmail to book a Sanibel & Captiva fishing charter.


Monday, February 6, 2012 ~ a good looking pelican friend of mine; come join us on a Sanibel & Captiva fishing charter!

Captiva Pelican, February, 2012

Here’s a fellow fisherman who was hanging out with us yesterday – a pretty handsome example of pelican-hood.

The weather is warm!  Let’s go fishing!

Fair winds and following seas,

Captain Joey Burnsed ~ call 239-472-8658 or email captjoefred@gmail to book a Sanibel & Captiva fishing charter.


Sunday, February 5, 2012 ~ warm winter weather is making for terrific fishing off Sanibel & Captiva Islands …

Captiva Island fishing - redfish & grouper!

With really warm weather this winter fishing is off the hook!!!

The red fish are biting real well right now!!!

Let’s do some fishing!!!

Fair winds and following seas,

Captain Joey Burnsed ~ call 239-472-8658 or email captjoefred@gmail to book a Sanibel & Captiva fishing charter.


Saturday, February 4, 2012 ~ Boca Grande tarpon season is still 4-5 months away, but a youngster has a right to dream …

Charlie with his first Tarpon, August, 2009.

Just thought we would post a photo of Charlie with his first Tarpon which he caught casting underneath a moored sailboat late in the summer of 2009.

Charlie is a lot bigger now, so here’s hoping he catches a big tarpon this year!

Fair winds and following seas,

Captain Joey Burnsed ~ call 239-472-8658 or email captjoefred@gmail to book a Sanibel & Captiva fishing charter.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012 ~ the weather continues to be terrific and redfish, sea trout, grouper, sheepshead & snook are biting off Captiva & Sanibel Island

Nice trout, Captiva Island.

The warm weather this winter is making for great fishing around Sanibel and Captiva.

We have been catching lots of redfish & sea trout!

Grouper & sheepshead & snook have also been biting.

Fair winds and following seas,

Captain Joey Burnsed ~ call 239-472-8658 or email captjoefred@gmail to book a Sanibel & Captiva fishing charter.